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Online safety guide

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Posted on 2024-09-14

Online safety basics We’re here to help you have a positive, fun, and safe experience when meeting and messaging other members. Don’t Send Money or Share Financial Information Never send money to anyone you meet on the app even if they say it’s an emergency. Sending or wiring money is almost impossible to reverse or trace where the money we...

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False reporting

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Posted on 2024-09-14

We’re committed to creating a relaxed and easy-going community here. Your privacy and safety are the most important things to us (aside from connecting you with awesome people!), and we know that you're putting your trust in us when you join our community. We believe being able to report someone for bad behavior is a core part of feeling safe...

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Community guidelines

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Posted on 2024-09-14

Welcome to Tveni! Being part of our global community means that you have a commitment from us to help ensure that you feel welcomed, safe, and free to be yourself.When you’re part of a community in which you’re free to be yourself, it also asks that you be responsible for your behavior and actions. When each member takes responsibility for the...

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Change your language setting on Tveni

0 Out of 0 Found Helpful
Posted on 2024-09-14

Tveni is available in 190 countries and 40+ languages. To adjust your languages preferences in the app or at Tveni.com, please follow the instructions below. Sign into Tveni.com. Click the profile icon at the top of the screen then settings.Scroll down to Language. Select your preferred language from the list.

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Create a Tveni Account

0 Out of 0 Found Helpful
Posted on 2024-09-14

Visit Tveni.com Tap Create Account Select a sign-in method If prompted, verify your phone number and/or email address Set up your profile Allow Tveni access to all required permissions

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