Meeting In-Person

Posted on 2024-09-14 Updated on 2024-09-14

Going on a date with someone new is an exciting step in a relationship, but continue being careful. When meeting someone in person for the first time, take precautions and consider these dos and don'ts.

Let friends or family members know where you're going and when you'll be home
Meet in a public place with lots of people around
Use your own transportation to get to and from the date
Watch your alcohol intake
Keep your wallet, phone, and personal items with you
Leave at any time you feel uncomfortable
Bring your cell phone with you
Arrange to contact a friend when the date is over

Go on your date without telling anyone
Meet somewhere isolated or at your or someone else's home
Allow your date to pick you up at your home or place of work
Leave your drink unattended
Leave your personal items unattended
Feel pressured to stay or do anything
Go to a place where you can't contact anyone
Return from your date alone, without telling anyone

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