Community guidelines

Posted on 2024-09-14 Updated on 2024-09-14

Welcome to Tveni! Being part of our global community means that you have a commitment from us to help ensure that you feel welcomed, safe, and free to be yourself.

When you’re part of a community in which you’re free to be yourself, it also asks that you be responsible for your behavior and actions. When each member takes responsibility for their behavior, it creates an enjoyable and safe experience for all.

Being successful on Tveni means that your behaviors are aligned with the four pillars of standard conduct:

Be Kind

Be Respectful

Be Safe

Be Real

Be Kind

Spread kindness in all of your interactions. Treat others how you expect to be treated.


Don't be rude. Don't bully, intimidate, defame, harass or stalk other members. We have a zero-tolerance policy for abuse. Reports of harassment, intimidation and assault are taken very seriously.

If someone blocks you, do not attempt to circumvent the block feature or try to communicate with them. Just stop.

Violence and physical harm

You should never threaten to harm anyone through your words or physical actions. Inciting any form of physical or mental harm will not be tolerated. Inclusive of this, any content depicting violence, graphic or gory content is not allowed and will result in your account being moderated and may lead to your account being permanently banned.

Discriminatory behaviour and hate speech

You should be respectful in every interaction with other members. There is no place in our community for hate speech, racism, or bigotry towards any individual or group, and will result in your account being permanently banned.

Be kind on your own profile

Your profile should not contain content that is violent, abusive, rude, or defamatory.

Be kind in the messages you send

Your messages to other members should always be kind. If your message is reported by another member, the offense will be investigated. Serious offenses will result in your account being banned.

Be respectful

The foundation of all great relationships is respect. Lead with it.

Nudity and sexual content

Do not upload content that contains any nudity, sexually explicit or pornographic content to Tveni.

Copyright and trademark infringement

You should not post content that violates or infringes on anyone's rights, rights of publicity, privacy, copyright, trademark or other intellectual property.

Customer care

Our team is here to support you and help make your experience on Tveni as great as possible. You should never abuse or threaten Customer Care Representatives under any circumstances.

Profile images

There are ground rules that everyone needs to follow when it comes to the types of images we allow on our platform.

Images that have the following content will end up having your account be permanently banned:

Nudity or sexually explicit imagery

Shows of violence, violent gestures, or gruesome imagery

Depictions of criminal activity or drug use

Racist or hate imagery

Images that have the following aren't allowed and will end up having your account be moderated:

Shirtless photos out of context (shirtless on a beach is okay, but not in your bathroom)

Bikinis or swimwear out of context (outside is okay, but not inside)

Lingerie or underwear

Shirtless/underwear mirror selfies

We recognize that some parents want to be open about having children on their dating profiles, and we don’t outright ban all photos with children in them. However, we will remove:

Photos of your kids without you in the photo

Photos of your kids if their other parent/guardian tells us they don’t give permission to post them

Photos you have posted of someone else’s kids, even if you are in the photo

Photos of you as a kid

Prostitution, escorting, solicitation and trafficking

Promoting or advocating for commercial sexual services, human trafficking or non-consensual sexual acts on Tveni is not tolerated and will result in your account being permanently banned.

Private information

You should never solicit another member for their private information, which includes, but not limited to, information such as passwords, SSN / SIN, financial information, and home or work address. Any information regarding a member, public or private, shall not be used for business/commercial use or any other unlawful or nefarious purpose.

To protect yourself and other members, you should never publicly or privately share private information that belongs to you or someone else.

Illegal usage

This should go without saying, but don't use Tveni to do anything illegal. Any profile or message content depicting criminal activity will be taken very seriously and will cause your account to be permanently banned.

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